Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rutland County Council withhold important details about document from Planning Inspector

Rutland County Council withheld important details about document from Planning Inspector.

The Jeakins Weir public enquiry has been adjourned so all parties could receive a document, A report relating to Rutland County Councils Core Strategy.

The planning inspector was told this report was not available at the start of the hearing this Tuesday.

On Wednesday it became evident Rutland County Council was sitting on this report. Rutland County Council had received the report on Monday.

The planning inspector asked had the Chief Executive received the report and had she been in receipt of the report since Monday. The Council responded yes. The Councils QC appeared to be embarrassed by the situation. Not surprising as this information had been presented to the Planning Inspector by Jeakins Weir and not Rutland Council.
The Councils QC clearly stated a number of times he was not aware of the matter and he could assure all parties. he had not seen the document and would not be looking at it that day.

I am not surprised this has occurred, it is something I have become to expect from Rutland County Council.

On the last day of the hearing Jeakins Weir requested to see a document relating to a matter between the Council and Tresham. (Waitrose) After the hearing was adjourned it was clear Mrs Baker a planning officer from Rutland County Council did not want Jeakins Weir to see this document in its present context. She discussed this with the Councils QC publicly and he requested she passed it to him first so he could check for damaging content.

It has always been very clear to me this Council headed by a very incompetent Chief Executive, does not play fair and the councils underhand tactics don't work  People and organisations who conduct their selves in this way always come unstuck in the end.

There was also an issue relating to the conduct of the Councils Highways Department, which forced Jeakins Weir to issue a warning of possible action against them.

I do hope the behaviour of the Council does not allow for this application to be approved.