Thursday, November 27, 2014

Cllr Vincent Howard, Oakham Town Council, "procedurally flawed" Co-option Oakham South West Ward 2014, Council Letter

Cllr Vincent Howard, Oakham Town Council, "procedurally flawed" Co-option Oakham South West Ward 2014, Council Letter

I publish this letter to show what I publish or say are not all lies as Cllr Alf Dewis Deputy Mayor told me last night.

To me this co-option process at Oakham Town Council could be the envy of any tyrant dictator.

If you don't follow correct lawful procedure how can this co-option be lawful.

Once again Oakham Town Council has succeeded in acquiring another from the old guard

Mr Vincent is know for his superb service with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue as a retained
officer. He is also involved in the community with his Scout work.

It has been pointed out Mr Vincent has some very undesirable friends one features in a obscene
drunken unprovoked verbal attack against me, before he was driven away in the waiting cab driven by a former Oakham Mayor who pointed me out to him posted on You Tube, Others include another former Oakham Mayor.

Lets hopes Mr Vincent when he can be bothered to turn up to meetings (Mr Vincent did not attend yesterdays meeting) he won't be tainted by those

In the meantime Leicestershire Police are investigating "Election Rigging" (their description not mine) Incident No: 16/11/2014/233