Wednesday, February 08, 2017

The Town Council has voted not to take over the cemetery and will No longer pay any money towards the upkeep of the cemetery.

Dear Tony Mathias, Leader of Rutland County Council

During the exempt Item about the cemetery which the chairman has now ruled is not exempt, I can confirm part of our 
conervasation was shared at the meeting I told the council you said if we walked away from the cemetery "people would 
question the purpose of the town council" I agree with this comment. I also said you felt "Cllr Michael Haley did not 
like you." at some point I said you felt "the council should grow up" Which I also agree with.

The Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe asked me to confirm this in a email which I am happy to do
other comments relating to the council I have made on my blog are my opinion and not yours.

It is public knowledge that this is not the first time you have raised concerns I referred to the letter you sent
last year to the council and pointed out the councillor were breaching the code of conduct during meetings
about the cemetery.

The Town Council has voted not to take over the cemetery and will No longer pay any money towards the upkeep of the cemetery.
I believe this to be an appalling decision.

Tomorrow I will publish the agenda report once I have change the paper from red to white as the chairman ruled it is no
longer exempt.


Cllr Martin Brookes