Showing posts with label Lincolnshire Police Appeal for bear knitters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lincolnshire Police Appeal for bear knitters. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lincolnshire Police Appeal for bear knitters

Lincolnshire Police Appeal for bear knitters

Alert issued by the Community Safety Department at Police Headquarters
Appeal for bear knitters
The Community Safety Department acts as a support service for the Neighbourhood Policing Teams across Lincolnshire.
Two initiatives that we provide support for are:
a)    Junior Police Cadet School Officer Scheme (JPCSO)
This is an initiative that is currently running in 77 primary schools across the county whereby children act as ambassadors for Lincolnshire Police in the delivery of crime reduction and community safety advice to fellow pupils and parents.  One of the most popular elements of this scheme is the ‘Angel Bears’ that the nominated children are allowed to allocate to fellow pupils for either good work or if they are feeling poorly or sad.
b)    Assistance bears to Road Traffic Officers
These bears are used to console children involved in a road traffic accident until emergency services can deal with the accident situation.  They help to keep children calm in what is sometimes a frightening experience.
But we have a problem; the ‘Angel Bear’ Charity that had a network of knitters who made the bears has ceased to be in existence, leaving us without a valued supply of bears (supplied free of charge.)
Our Appeal
We are therefore asking if there are any knitting clubs or individuals that would be willing to become part of our volunteer base to enable us to knit an annual supply of 500 bears - ideally for the next intake required September 2014.
Attached are two patterns for the bears which should be easy knit level.
We are asking that knitters simply make up as shown on the pattern, ideally stuffed as well, and send to:
Gill Finn, (01522 558146) Community Safety Officer, Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Nettleham, Lincoln LN2 2LT.   
Or alternatively to save on postage, simply hand in to your local police station marked for my attention.
You can send them as soon as they are made and we will store them until needed at Lincolnshire Police HQ.
One of the unique characteristics of the bears is that the children absolutely love the fact that they come in many different shapes and sizes, so do not be afraid to design your own patterns. See the photo for ideas.
Bear Photo