Sunday, April 29, 2012

Leicestershire Constabulary East Midlands International Cicle Classic Oakham 2012

Leicestershire Constabulary East Midlands International Cicle Classic Oakham 2012


Our new Inspector believes in Zero Tollerance
This is why he is trying  Leicestershire's New Robo Cops
with bikes... 

It was a busy day for crowd control...

A road block was set up just outside Oakham Town 
Councils Office and there was a heavy police presence

I was told this was an exercise in preparation 
for the forthcoming Town Meeting to be
held on the 9th May at 6pm

After the Mayor has told all what she wants to say
the public can tell the council what it thinks.

I have been told by a least one member of the public they
may be telling the council what they think of them.

Another is planning to put their complaints and thoughts
into a poetry, so it should be a good evening for all.


Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas
Inspects her guard of Local PCSO's

Our local inspector is was on duty in a car due to injured leg.

(I am told he suffered this injury arresting a shop lifter at the local primary school tuck shop 
Oakham Police Station was closed so I am unable to confirm this)

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and their boss Chief Constable Simon Cole
