Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Fight 4 Rutland 'opposes the disastrous over-development planned for St George’s Barracks'

Fight 4 Rutland has been set up to battle Rutland County Council and The MOD

Rutland County Councillors and Parish Councillors have been sent this email.

Dear Councillor

We are pleased to advise you of the launch of Fight4Rutland.
Fight4Rutland (F4R) is a local campaign group of Rutlanders dedicated to achieving the best for Rutland and Rutlanders in every way and opposes the disastrous over-development planned for St George’s Barracks (SGB). Over 2,300 houses slap bang in between North Luffenham, Edith Weston and Normanton ​and next to Rutland Water, in a Local Plan seemingly driven entirely by the MOD and Rutland County Council (RCC) in the face of widespread opposition from Rutlanders.
F4R is campaigning for a reasonable plan that would benefit our local communities, wildlife and tourism instead of  damaging this by creating a dormitory town of 2,3​00 plus houses.  We are also concerned about RCC’s increasingly anti-democratic position, refusing to currently allow public presentation of deputations or questions, ​(zoom attendance is allowed but no other participation) and generally appearing to be trying to force the development through at any cost and regardless of the changing socio-economic profile of the UK, including Rutland, following the Covid-19 crisis.
Herewith the links to our website https://fight4rutland.org/ , our
FaceBook page https://www.facebook.com/Fight-4-Rutland-109059604199382 and our Twitter feed https://mobile.twitter.com/Fight4Rutland
All will be regularly and frequently updated as the fight for Rutland progresses.
Best Wishes
The Fight4Rutland Campaign Team

'Susannah Fish tells it like it is!
Fight 4 Rutland!'

Quite a good catch for the group
A former Met Commander and 
Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police

The group is offering a poster to download and display if you want to show your support


(caution all that green will use a lot of your printer ink)

You can Register , to be kept up to date with Fight4Rutland


Respond to the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Consultation CLOSES 17TH JULY 2020

Respond to Local Plan Reg 19 Consultation (OPENS 4th August) DEADLINE 15th September 2020