Saturday, February 04, 2017

Oakham Town Partnership Town Manager Unauthorised Expenditure and Agreement by Oakham Mayors

Dear Adam Lowe (Chairman of Oakham Town Council)

I understand that the chairman of Oakham Town Partnership has resigned over the matter
of the appointment of the Town Manager.

Oakham Town Council has on file a letter from a Rutland County Council Officer, this letter was also distributed to all members of
the council, in the letter Two people are named as being involved with the negotiations which nearly saw a fraud being committed.
Leicestershire Police said no offence had been committed because the £62,586.50 had not been diverted in full from the council
to the Oakham Town Partnership as intended. If it had not been for the Officer at Rutland County Council carrying out checks
and finding the money should be paid to Oakham Town Council we may never have known it existed.

The two people named in the letter are the former Mayor Alf Dewis and The Current Mayor Adam Lowe.

At no time did the council give the authority to either of those members to act on behalf of the council.

Last month we received a letter from the Oakham Town Partnership chairman in which she states Oakham Town Council and Rutland
County Council met more than once with the Town Partnership to agree the appointment of the Town Centre Manager and this has resulted
in the council receiving an invoice for £31,293.25

The Town Council did not approve this appointment or expenditure. Therefore that expenditure is unlawful and the council is not obliged in
law to settle this demand.

As ex Cllr Alf Dewis found when he resigned, he had to repay money back to the council money he was not authorised to spend.
Even then he lied about what the money was spent on.

You are named in Rutland County Councils letter which makes you part responsible for the agreement and the unauthorised expenditure, should you
not be considering your position on the council before Wednesdays meeting or are Rutland County Council lying?

The only people I know lie is the one gone and yourself when you lie about me and the notice board conduct.

I would hope the Clerk would be able to distribute the letter from the RCC officer at the meeting when I mention it at the meeting
or I could go through my mountain of papers from last year to find my copy?

I would also like a copy of the agreement not seen or approved by this council. Made by Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Partnership and the person (s) claiming to represent our council so they can be held responsible for this large invoice. It wpuld prove who is telling the truth about the

In the meantime I have decided to submit a conduct complaint based on the evidence of that letter and the local government acts that
forbid any Councillor from acting and incurring expense without the authority of the full council.
It will then be up to the monitoring officer to investigate and bring this sorry mess to an end.


Martin Brookes

Conduct Complaint sent to Monitoring Officer at Rutland County Council

From 2014 to July 2016 Cllr Adam Lowe and Cllr Alf Dewis
Both had meetings with Rutland County County Council and the Town Partnership, to agree 106 payments from Hawkmead, this is confirmed in a letter sent by a Rutland County Council officer to the Town Council last year. I believe both Cllrs  may have entered into a deception to obtain a total sum of £62,586.50 fraudulently for the Oakham Town Partnership If it had not been for the vigilance of another of Rutland County Council officer, The Town Council would not have known anything about this money. The Clerk at the time Richard White even thought Rutland County Council had sent the money in error and offered to return it to Rutland County Council Cllr Lowe and Mr Dewis both acted without the authority or knowledge of the council which is a breach of the local government act. The Town council has been sent a invoice from the Town Partnership totally £31,293.25 The council has not authorised the agreement mentioned or this expenditure. It is my belief that Cllr Lowe and Mr Dewis  breached of the localism act this matter should therefore be investigated by Leicestershire Police.

Oakham Town Council May Walk Away From Taking Over Cemetery From Rutland County Council

Oakham Town Council May Walk Away From Taking Over Cemetery From Rutland County Council

It would appear mini Alf Cllr Michael Haley has messed up again.

It hard to believe he actually read his election propaganda or maybe he just cut and pasted it from another good cllrs leaflet?

After publicly voting twice over the last year we are being asked to vote on the cemetery at next Wednesdays meeting in secret. If it goes the way Cllr Michael Haley wishes because he makes things personal, then I think people will certainly start questioning the purpose of this dreadful pointless town council.

I ask the residents in Oakham SE Ward who I represent, how they would like me to vote at 
next Wednesday's meeting? 

Do they want me to vote for us to continue with the taking over of the cemetery maintenance?
And do they want me to vote for the town council to stop paying Rutland County Council any
money towards the maintenance of the cemetery? 

Dear Michael Haley

Firstly can I thank you for providing us with a report The first from the working group in almost a year.

I do not see the need for the recommendations to be exempt. Once the vote is cast I am told the outcome will be public knowledge.

The outcome may even result in questions being asked about the purpose of the town council, So I can see why you might what to keep
this all hidden from the public.

I have spoken to Rutland County Councillors today I did not discuss the content of your report with either.
One of the County Councillors did mention some points and offers made by RCC which you have indicated in your report, that Councillor
is not a member of any working group connected to the cemetery, It would appear RCC have shared all information progress or lack with all their
members and therefore it appears they don't consider this a confidential item.

I was pleased to read you had told Rutland County Council that the working group has no delegated powers to make decisions.
Then I am not pleased due to the working groups failure to bring questions from RCC to council. In March 2016 this council agreed my proposals
which were quite clear, the working group was meant to bring regular updates to council and seek the authority to act. Some of the demands made upon RCC included in your report I had not seen before and may not have supported those demand's. The working group has acted unlawfully many times I read the council wants RCC to do etc. The Council did not make any of those demands. It was my understanding that the role of the working group was to find out what was required and then for council to give instructions to the group as we went along. Cllr Stan Stubbs can be heard on the video saying I am not doing as he tells me. It is very clear that you and him and the rest of the working ignored the councils instructions and just went away and did your own thing ignoring the councils minuted instructions. Not my instructions.

Your random use of confidentiality is very confusing. You have published all the confidential terms provisionally agreed between the Council and The Ark Association. Now the public will know the Ark Association a profitable company is only paying £100 a month for the first year. A good return on a property valued at over £1,000 a month in poor condition. Its great that the Town Council is seeking a good return on its publicly owned assets.



Oakham Town Council Agenda Delay The Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe comes to the rescue

Oakham Town Council Agenda Delay The Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe comes to the rescue

This month like so many our Agenda Packs have not arrived within the legal time of three clear working days.

The Mayor Adam Lowe had to go into the office and copy and hand deliver summons and agenda
packs to all councillors today.

Of course he would not have to do this if the council stopped being difficult and sent them
electronically when requested or permitted Cllrs to collect them from the office.

I have read mine and it is shocking to find a unknown Councillor or Councillors have acted unlawfully by holding meeting and agreeing the appointment of a Town Centre Manager
without full council support according to a letter and invoice received from the partnership
for £31,293.25 if this demand from OTP is truthful then one or more councillors are set to receive
a very large bill. The law states if a Cllr agrees something with out full council consent they are
responsible for the full costs not the taxpayers.

This makes Ex Mayor Alf Dewis's unlawful conduct look quite petty in comparison.

I wondered when the old guard was gong to finally do something as big as this. The old guard
is tiny but it causes big problems for Oakham Town Council.

Dear All

Thank you to Adam for reprinting and delivering our summons and agenda's so we received them within the legal time frame.

Now I have received the pack and read it I find the some of the content astonishing and raise the following points.

1. I am pleased to see The Ark Association only requires a 15 year lease and not 99 years.
I was always against a 99 year lease being given for free. So I am not to unhappy that The Ark Association
no longer requires it.
Cllr Michael Haley in my opinion is not competent enough to sort this lease out for the council.
He has provided two reports both public the second contains the full details of a previous exempt item why?
I am now pleased the public can see the good deal the Ark Association is being given.

2. Appendix C  We were told Councils are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation
Scheme and this is why for over a year I have raised a concern about the council only holding three accounts. The CA Rutland
has over 20 account to protect its money. Although I now welcome that the council may instruct the Clerk to find more accounts I question
why Cllr Michael Haley is giving us incorrect information regarding the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

3. Item 9 I can not believe the council after displaying a notice in the window and notice boards is even considering spending public
money advertising about a conduct issues that happened over a year ago. Some might say enough is enough. I ask why have the council remained silent about Cllrs Haley and Stubs conduct findings? When is the Council going to give up singling me out and put as much energy and money into actually doing something constructive for the community.

The local paper refused to publish the councils previous notice due to its defamatory content. This proposed advert is also defamatory and if the council is to place it as an advert I suggest they seek legal advice first. I was told that the advert does not contain my name, Can I refer members to a finding by the conduct department of Leicestershire Police when one of there own officers was publishing comments about me online it was found he had discreditted the police service and even though he had not named me the public knew who he was referring to and I suggest if the council goes ahead and seeks publication of this proposed advert it will be doing the same. Why can we not just move on and deal with the serious issues of council like this next point. Of course if the council is wishing to continue this pointless campaign then they could post it on the Laughing Stocks Blog published by a former councillor and support by this council, described by the district Judge as Homophobic Crude and Crass.

4. Oakham Town Partnership Manager.
This is a very serious issue.
As a town council we never authorised any member of this council to agree the appointment of a town centre manager, attached to the agenda item is a invoice and letter from the partnership which clearly states a meetings were held in 2016 and agreements were made by Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council and the partnership.

The town council did not authorise these meetings.
No agreement to employ was put to full council, so this makes any agreement unlawful. I would like to know who made this agreement on behalf of the council as they are legally responsible for this invoice totally £31,293.25 and future invoices.

If agreements were made unlawfully by a member of this council I wonder why The Town Partnership has failed to provide us with copies. If we had copies we would know who to send the bill onto.

We have never formally met or been introduced to the town centre manager employed by OTP and we were not invited to the meeting they chaired at the castle a few weeks ago.

I have personally met the town centre manager and find her approachable, many business's in the town or residents do not have
a clue as to who the town centre manager is.  So even if we were legally obliged to settle this invoice, I would still object as it is very poor value for money. The events are so few it would have proved cheaper for the partnership to pay a normal event organisors at past rates.

I also find it astonishing that the Manager is only now holding meetings to seek ideas and plan for events to be held this year, did the partnership not learn anything from their past mistakes like the car rally. Most public events need to planned at least a year in advance so the appropriate organisations can be consulted, example Leicestershire Police require 12 month notice for event like the failed car rally. (race)

I am also concerned that The Partnership has provided a copy of the Hawksmead Deed and the town council has made the entire document available to the public when the public copy made available on Rutland County Council website has signatures redacted.

5. Item 21 The cemetery, From my understanding of this Cllr Michael Haley has messed up again. In the past we have received letters from RCC stating members of the working group had breach the Town Council Standing Order. From the 11 page exempt report I can see why, The group
has made demands of Rutland County Council which the council did not request. There has been a total lack of reports from the working group until
now. Although I can see the possible need to keep the report exempt, I do not see any need for the recommendations and the outcome of any vote should be exempt and I would ask the clerk looks into the legality of that. I don't think we need to exempt the item the recommendations are very clear and we should vote on them ASAP. meaning I don't think we need to publically discuss the content of the report.
I can also see why we have not included something in the budget for next year. I would say that was predetermined by the few councillors who run this council behind closed doors.



Friday, February 03, 2017

Leicestershire Police Rutland South beat report detailing crime for last month.

Leicestershire Police Rutland South beat report detailing crime for last month.

Rutland South beat report detailing crime for last month.

4/1/17 – Burglary dwelling – Main street, Lyddington x 2

4/1/17 – Theft from unattended motor vehicle – Aldgate, ketton

5/1/17 – Theft from unattended motor vehicle (number plates)– Spring lane, Glaston x 2

5/1/17 – Theft from unattended motor vehicle (number plates) – Crocket lane, Empingham

5/1/17 – Theft from unattended motor vehicle (number plates) – Orchard close, Lyddington

10/1/17 – Damage – Loddington lane, Belton

18/1/17 – Assault – Tixover

30/1/17 – Assault – Braunston

Leicestershire Police current Neighbourhood Priority is targeting hare coursing along the A47 corridor from Uppingham to Tixover & parts of the north beat area from Langham towards the A1. Last month, members of the public reported to police numerous reports of hare coursing. As a result several people and vehicles have been identified as taking part in this illegal activity.

Leicestershire Police would encourage you all to be vigilant and report any persons you suspect as acting suspicious. Take note of any vehicle and registration number they are in and ring the police on 101.

Remember to visit the Rural Watch website, via the below link for rural crime updates and a whole host of crime prevention advice.

PC Paul Le Pla is retiring from Leicestershire police in April after 30 years’ service

He has been the Rutland south neighbourhood officer for almost 8 years now and says he has thoroughly enjoyed his time here.

"I will miss not being a bobby anymore, but will miss the people more. I thank you all.
At this time"

The few times I met PC Paul Le Pla I found him OK and don't believe he was one of the
corrupted Rutland team. I wish him well in whatever he does next.

Oakham Jobs 3rd February 2017

Oakham Jobs 3rd February 2017

Carpenter and Joiner
AMS Building Services - Oakham
Must have driving license and own transport. Full UK Driving Licence. The ideal candidate will have previous experience, general carpentry skills and enjoy...
Multi Skilled Tradesman
AMS Building Services - Oakham
Must have driving license and own transport. Full UK Driving Licence. The ideal candidate will have previous experience, general building skills and enjoy...
Concept Artist
Holovis - Lutterworth LE17
To successfully develop concept art either from existing IP or as original artwork. All to be delivered to the minimum required standards of quality, time and
Store Colleague
McColl's Retail Group 41 reviews- Oakham
£7.20 an hour
You will also be required to build and develop sales, assist with stock management and help to maintain a clean and well-presented store....
Animal Care Apprenticeship
Brooksby Melton College 4 reviews- Melton Mowbray LE14
£110.25 a week
Routine care and management of college animal care livestock. Undertake the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the animal care practical resource....
Warehouse Operative
Skillsco Uk LTD - Peterborough
£7.20 an hour
Working for a local company on the Fengate Business Park area of Peterborough you will possess excellent warehouse experience. Various shifts available....
Sales Assistant
Savers Health and Beauty 140 reviews- Stamford
£7.20 an hour
What we look for in our Sales Assistant are individuals with a positive can-do attitude, who demonstrated this through commitment to the role, passion for our...
Customer Coordinator
Tayto Group Limited - Corby
£18,000 a year
, you wil provide excellent customer service for Tayto Group Ltd and it’s customers, both internal and external, responsible for a variety of accounts from a...
Distribution Warehouse Operative - Nights
Hain Daniels Group 14 reviews- Peterborough
Undertake a clean as you go policy while working in the warehouse / stores. General warehouse duties. Forklift Licence (Reach / Counter Balance / Bendi)....
Female Care Assistant
ICCM Ltd - Stamford
£8.50 an hour
ICCM specialise in providing healthcare packages to clients with disabilities living in their own homes. Female Personal Care Assistant - Stamford*....
Independent Reviewing Officers for Looked After Children
Leicester City Council 53 reviews- Bosworth
In addition the role is to quality assure the care planning for looked after children to ensure their outcomes are improving to the highest standards....
Systems Support Administrator
VIQU Ltd - Oakham
£20,000 - £25,000 a year
To discuss this exciting opportunity in more detail, please APPLY NOW! Linux, UNIX, Windows, Server, SAN, Oracle, NetAPP, Troubleshoot, Implement, Install, 2nd...
Call centre agent (Insurance)
Call Centre Ops Ltd - Leicester
£17,000 a year
As an insurance sales advisor you will have the ability to pick an insurance company for your potential customers from a panel of 9 top insurance companies....
Showroom Host x 2
Walter E Sturgess and Sons LTD - Leicestershire
Ensure the highest level of customer care and satisfaction, ensuring customers and visitors receive an immediate and courteous welcome....
Safety Officer
Oradeo - Stamford
10.Deal with any ad-hoc duties that may arise. Oradeo is currently recruiting a Health and Safety Officer with high solid previous experience working for a main...
Van Driver - Environmental Team
Loughborough University 36 reviews- Loughborough
We have vacancy for efficient Van Driver - Environmental Team to carry out the daily removal of all confidential waste, recycling and general waste, and
Labourer (Temporary)
Orion 85 reviews- Oakham
£10 an hour
You must have a valid CSCS card and supply your own PPE. We are looking for a site labourer to start on one of our construction sites in Oakham....
Van Driver
MCS Transport Ltd - Market Harborough LE16
Self Employed Courier / Driver*. ADHOC / 3 or 5 days a week We are currently looking for 3.5 tonne Driver / Driver to start work in Market Harborough on an...
Administrative Officer
Ministry of Justice 203 reviews- Leicester
£18,059 - £19,529 a year
Access to flexible benefits such as salary sacrifice arrangements for childcare vouchers, and voluntary benefits such as retail vouchers and discounts on a...
Administrative Officer
HM Courts and Tribunals Service - Leicester LE1
£18,059 - £19,529 a year
Communicate and work with the Judiciary, Magistracy, the Cluster Managers, Court staff, and other internal and external stakeholders, suppliers and customers to...
Customer Service Supervisor
Saint-Gobain Building Distribution 1,233 reviews- Stamford PE9
In this role you will deal with all aspects of customer service from serving customers and taking sales orders to complaints and queries, as well as maintaining...
Class 2 HGV Driver
AVL Recruitment - Leicester
HGV Class 2 valid driving licence. Lorry driving experience. AVL Recruitment are looking to recruit an experienced HGV Driver Class 2....
Vehicle Technicians / Mechanics
MB Nottingham & MB Leicester - Leicestershire
£30,000 - £40,000 a year
Opportunities are available to join our highly skilled Mercedes trained workforce at our established Nottingham branch....
Overnight Spa Cleaner - 18 hours per week
Ragdale Hall Health Hydro and Thermal Spa - Melton Mowbray
£8.91 an hour
Salary: £8.91 per hour. Benefits package including £800 per year in gratuities (full time equivalent), free meals, free transport from Melton Mowbray and
Property Paralegal - Leicestershire
Page Personnel - UK 60 reviews- Leicestershire
£20 - £40 an hour
Our client is an established full service law firm with several offices throughout the East Midlands region. Job Description As a Property Paralegal in the
Childcare Apprentice Level 3
Busy Bees Training Academy - Leicester
£3.40 an hour
Providing a high standard of physical, emotional, social and intellectual care for all children in the nursery....
Trainer - Peterborough
British Red Cross 354 reviews- Peterborough
£18,619 a year
As part of our recruitment and selection process we undertake DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checking of all individuals who regularly work with or have...
Payroll administrator £23,000 to £25,000 per annum
Arch 23 reviews- Peterborough
£23,000 - £25,000 a year
Dealing with new starters and any leavers. Allocation of any holiday pay, benefits, bonuses - Calculation of any statutory payments....
Play Workers PW1
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council - Leicestershire
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council are looking for exciting, enthusiastic and highly creative individuals who can deliver play opportunities for children...
Compliance Officer
Aldermore - Peterborough
Has no branch network but serves customers and intermediary partners online, by. Operational Risk and Treating Customers Fairly....

Thursday, February 02, 2017