Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Past Oakham Town Councillors say I am wrong to say the council has always been a rotten egg.

Past Oakham Town Councillors say I am wrong to say the council has always been a rotten egg.

I disagree and looking back at old reports like the internal auditor report for 2009 its easy to see I am correct.

Invoices paid with no address's, for large contracts like the watering of the towns floral displays.

I have mentioned that contractor in the past and the cosy relationship between the Clerk and the owner who worked for the council.

I recently complained to the police and the council about the handling and awarding of contracts. 

No reply from the police.

The Clerk responded by saying the councils chairman and deputy would like to meet and discuss the issue.

I declined the invitation as I am not a big fan of the chairman's bullying tactics.

They also request evidence.

Surprisingly the findings of that internal auditors report are minuted, so I suggest the Chairman looks at his own files for the evidence.

It is shocking the council pays people large sums of public money, with no record of who they are paying. Thousands of pounds is not petty cash. I can only assume the council is supporting tax avoidance by accepting a large invoices with no address. This payment was made when Rutland County Councillor Mark Woodcock was chairman and Mayor. It is likely he was a signatory on the account.

I personally witnessed another example of bad practice last year, when the council asked a contractor, do you want the cheque payable to you personally or the company.

The large cheque was cashed, so I can only the person said don't worry Richard darling, I will pop in and pick up the cheque or you can pop it next time you need something for your garden?