Monday, May 06, 2013

Kendrew Barracks, Arts For Rutland, Curve, Arts Council Grant, major event 2014

Arts for Rutland
registered charity, no. 1137696
Trustees: Peter Lawson (Chairman former High Sheriff of Rutland
Robert Clayton (Rutland County Council Employee)
Joy Everitt (Treasurer. Oakham Festival)
Robert Dale (Secretary)
Peter Davis
Mo Gardener (Artist)
Gene Plews (Tory Rutland Councillor)
Tony Entwistle (Anglian Water)
Catherine Rogers (Creative Leicestershire)
Kevin Slingsby, Phil Wignel and David Lee.
Major project 2014 Arts Council Grant Bid
After various positive developments there was no longer any need to proceed with the earlier agreement between Arts for Rutland and Curve. Accordingly we can now move forward with Arts for Rutland taking more of a lead role.
Curve will be in a support role but will have important responsibilities in helping to secure external funding.
Curve's view is we should double the sum that we had intended for our bid.
We must ensure to make the most of advice from well informed local sources, such as Catherine Rogers of Creative Leicestershire.
We must take care that our bid does  not suggest too substantial an income from ticket sales.
The bid will include the cost of running workshops.
It is essential that we keep the Arts Council informed of our plans and progress to date.
It was agreed to be essential for us to firm up on the overall plan and commence detailed work in May. By Christmas every aspect should be settled.
The next step will be for Peter Lawson to engage with the Army to bring them up to speed with developments.
In addition to meet with Curve before our next meeting.
We urgently need urgently need to recruit a project manager, with some possible candidates being suggested by Curve. The closing date for applications will be 30/04 with interviews planned for the first week of May.
We will need to fund that person at an annual rate of  £25k p.a., for the first four months, at two days per week.
A local choice would have considerable advantages.
However our advertisment should state a 12 + month period, as we anticipate receiving external funding to cover the cost of that role and need somebody who would be available for that period.
Rutland County Council are willing to accommodate this person.
Curve are enthusiastic about the concept of the event and appreciate the great potential to enhance social cohesion with the return of a large number of troops in April 2014.
We will be seeking a big name to be a major attraction for the event.
The Rutland Music Hub has been indentified as certain to play a key role.
There has been widespread support for the generous donation of a substantial block of stone will be placed outside Kendrew Barracks and which will be basis of a sculpture by Mo Gardner.
It is possible, in time, that a similar stone might be donated to go outside St Georges Barracks. It have images from World War 1.
The event will take place on one Sunday the 15/06/14 or 29/06/14.
The Army has suggested that they provide a horseshoe of tents for the audience around the stage.
Tents around the stage will also contain themes such as the Story of the people of Rutland, one for an exhibition by rutland open studios, the members of which have all ready expressed considerable interest in being involved.
Curve well develop a framework that we can propose to schools.
now that joy everett has a much better feel on the nature of the event she will be in a position to meet with amateur theatrical groups.
minutes of committee meeting held two thousand and thirteen arts 4 rutland.
(published using samsung voice recognition)