Monday, August 01, 2016

Bellway Homes New Play Area Barleythorpe Field Oakham Rutland

Bellway Homes New Play Area Barleythorpe Field Oakham Rutland

Bellway Homes is installing a play area and equipment on  part of Barleythorpe Field
that they own.

Oakham Town Council owns (leasehold) the part to the right of the litter bin.

Bellway homes have not put up a boundary fence, Oakham Town Councils contractors
cut the grass on the land owned by Bellway Homes, who charge home owners for this
service they are not providing.

I had raised the issue of the lack of boundary markers with the Clerk before he went of
sick and he did nothing.

I have also raised the issue of public access of side Oakham Town Council own.

The railings on the part owned by Bellway along Barleythorpe Road are currently being
destroyed by those attempting to make a access point.

The fence along the Huntsman Drive side has been ripped down.

Cllr Adam Lowe was meant to be sorting out this access issue he has of course been
rather busy attempting to exclude me instead of doing what a Cllr should do.

The play area can only be accessed from the new housing estate, so I assume
people will starting climbing over that fence to access the public area and possibly
damage it.