Friday, March 10, 2017

Oakham Town Council Cllr Adam Lowe Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas We are not required to obtain quotes for work

Oakham Town Council Cllr Adam Lowe Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas We are not required to obtain quotes for work

At this weeks meeting I attempted once again to get Oakham Town Council to comply
with the local government act and its own financial regulations and once again I was
told the council was not required to obtain three quotes for work.

We were not presented with any quotations, just a request from the Assistant Clerk
to spend up to £2500 with Paul Ford Tree Surgeons.

I accept sometimes the Clerk and Assistant clerk may find some contracts difficult to obtain
quotes. But in this case Rutland is hardly short of tree surgeons.

I was extremely disappointed  that the Chairman Adam Lowe told council I was wrong and
three quotes were not required at a previous meeting he had told council that this was
a requirement.

A statement read by Cllr Joyce Lucas describing my actions to seek a council that follows
the rules was very offensive.
This is another example of how correct Mrs Mogg the Monitoring Officer is when
she says Oakham Town Council 'not working.'

The same applies to Cllr Adam Lowe when he sits in the chamber telling members
he disposes of all Council Agendas and Documents after meetings.
That shows no commitment to the role of a Councllor. let alone Chairman of the

Dear Cllr Adam Lowe Chiarman

Please accept my complaint about the council refusing to obtain quotes for purchases and the conduct
of yourself and Cllr Lucas during the consideration of Agenda Item 16


On the 8th March 2017 at the meeting of the full council both you and Cllr Joyce Lucas strongly objected to my request
that three quotes should be obtained for the work required on the tree in Cutts Close.

Why at this meeting and other do you say the council has continually checked my repeated requests that the council is required
to obtain at least three quotes, you said I was incorrect and continually wrong to ask the council to obtain three quotes.

Cllr Joyce Lucas accused me of harassment and continually lying over the last two years.
Adding the Councils failure to attend to urgent tree work and obtain quotes over the last two years was due
to my continual lies and harassment and off staff and councillors. Cllr Joyce Lucas added we don't need quotes lets
just get on with the job in hand.

I note our financial regulations were upated in January 2016 to comply with the law and we now have a
full requirement to follow, as set out in Regulation no 10.3 of our financial regulations.

10.3. All members and Officers are responsible for obtaining value for money at all times. An officer issuing an official order shall ensure as far as reasonable and practicable that the best available terms are obtained in respect of each transaction, usually by obtaining three or more quotations or estimates from appropriate suppliers, subject to any de minimis provisions in Regulation 11 below.

I also remind you of the following financial regulation 1.6 and ask why it has never been applied.
and why the taxpayers had to pay £18,000 to a former members of staff who breached the regulations?
and why the breaches of the regulations were not treated as gross misconduct?

1.6. A breach of these Regulations by an employee is gross misconduct.

I suggest both yours and Cllr Lucas's comments at the meeting were offensive and inaccurate and possibly inptoperly influenced
the decision made by council, which saw the council agree to spend up to £2500 with Paul Ford Tree Surgeons.
without receiving proper quotations or proof of the single quotation.

I am requesting the council complies with the local government act and its financial regulations before any work order
is issued to Paul Ford tree surgeons. and the decision made by council on the 8th March is referred back to council for
reconsideration with at least three quotes attached to the reports.

I am also requesting that the Local Government Act is applied to all future expenditure. along with our
financial regulations.

Could this possible include this years Christmas Tree I would not like to see a repeat of last years
failure to obtain more than one quote.

If the council were to follow section 135 of the Local Government Act 1972.

This would promote good purchasing practice and public accountability, and
deter corruption. Following the rules is the best defence against allegations that a
decision has been made incorrectly or fraudulently.


Cllr Martin Brookes OSE Ward

Please can you ensure new members receive a copy of this complaint.

Video Agenda Item 16 8th March 2017