Friday, March 03, 2017

Rutland County Council I do not believe you can move forward to make job offers without resolution on the funding and agreement Hawksmead 106

Rutland County Council I do not believe you can move forward to make job offers without resolution on the  funding and agreement

Hawksmead 106 money

The Town Partnership was at this stage attempting to employ a Town Centre Manager
which they expected Oakham Town Council to pay for.

Oakham Town Council were never formally made aware of this.

Cllr Adam Lowe our current chairman for some unknown reason did not notify the
Clerk or the members of the town council formally.

The same applied to previous chairman's Alf Dewis and Jayne Woodcock.

Our current representative on the Town Partnership who managed to persuade
the partnership to change it constitution so he was the only Councillor representing
the town council on the partnership. As the Town Councils rep Cllr Stan Stubbs
rarely does as he is meant to do and that is observe and bring back reports to Council.
One set of Oakham Town Partnership minutes show Cllr Stan Stubbs was present
when the partnership agreed to invoice Oakham Town Council £1000 a month for
A Town Centre Manager to be invoiced quarterly. I wonder why Cllr Stan Stubbs
felt he did not need to bring this matter to the councils attention?

More concerning is the first invoice received from the Town Partnership last month
was for £32,000

The email below makes a lot of sense sent to the Chairman of the Oakham Town
Partnership and Cllr Vince Howard.

It points out that the interviews should be halted and that a resolution and
agreement is needed.

Oakham Town Council has never made any formal resolution or agreements
with Oakham Town Partnership.

Oakham Town Partnership seems to have a very poor understanding of the
meaning of Partnership.

I cant speak for the council but I am pretty sure there would have been little
support for this.

The minutes of the Town Management Meeting clearly minute Uppingham's
objection to any of there money being used to employ a Town Centre Manager
again. Because previously it had not worked.

The same applies in my opinion here in Oakham.

However nice the Town Centre Manager is here in Oakham many don't know
who she is and in my opinion she does not do what is required and was minuted.
In my opinion it would have been cheaper for the town partnership to
just employ her good services as they did in the past when they wanted her
to organise a couple of events a year,

The very sensible advice shown below appears to have been ignored by the
Town Partnership