Friday, March 03, 2017

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Was Aware in 2014 of Joint Working Group Hawksmead 106 FOI

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Was Aware in 2014 of Joint Working Group Hawksmead 106 FOI

Cllr Lowe did not attend many of the Joint working groups because he said he did not like
what he heard regarding the plans to spend Oakham Town Councils money by the Oakham Town Partnership.

What I find unbelievable is how this working group set up in 2014 carried on so long with out the
knowledge of the former clerk or the Town Council even though Rutland County Council and
the Town Partnership both describe it as a joint partnership.

Membership of any working group has to be agreed by the Town Council formally at a meeting

I believe there was a huge conflict of interest in this case and that was Oakham Town Councils
Mayor Alf Dewis was claiming to represent the Town Council whilst he was the chairman of the
Town Partnership and a director of it. The same director who signed a document lodged at
Companies House applying for exemption from Audit, why would any organisation which
benefits from public money make such an application.

The Town Partnerships Constitution appears to have also been overlooked because he
was chairman for 3 years + when the constitution stated the term of chairman should be one
year only.

The main issue for me here is why considering what our chairman now says about this
incident why did he not let the council or the Clerk know what was going on during the
entire 2 years +
Emails from RCC Staff state very clearly he had been copied into all correspondence.