Thursday, July 27, 2017

Oakham Town Partnership Minutes Not Circulated to Oakham Town Councillors Clerk Allison Greaves Failing

Oakham Town Partnership Minutes Not Circulated to Oakham Town Councillors Clerk Allison Greaves Failing

After attending an LRAC meeting I and other Councillors found the Clerk has not been forwarding
communications to Councillors.
The Clerk objected to me asking why and accused me of bullying her.

After receiving an email from the Chairman of the Oakham
Town Partnership yesterday I find we are not receiving minutes the partnership intend us to

'Oakham Town Council have generously contributed some funding towards Oakham's Town Centre Manager and OTP are keen to keep them informed of what is happening which is why we circulate our agendas and minutes to them. '

'I note from your list of recipients that Cllr Haley and others are not included. Would you or Alison be kind enough to forward this to them so they will all have this information.'

If the Town Partnership was really working in partnership with the Council I would expect the
chairman to at least know the email address for the Chairman of the council