Sunday, February 17, 2019

Oakham Town Council Meeting 13th February 2019 Video

Oakham Town Council Meeting 13th February 2019

A fairly good probably due to the absence of Cllr Joyce Lucas.

One of the best points was Cllr Peter Ind confirming rumours that Cllr Joyce Lucas is not
going to stand at the next election. He told Daniel he may become the tree warden this year.
Although Cllr Joyce Lucas is telling people she is not standing, I will put the celebrations on hold  because she often lies.

It would have been a perfect meeting if Cllr Adam Lowe had not permitted Cllr Bottomley
to breach standing order and present the council with three proposals that were not on the agenda.

Cllr Adam Lowe attempted to get me to react to his stupidity but I turned it to him.

He asked me to show him where the law says the council could not do something, I shut him up by
asking him to show me the law that says they can.

One good thing from the meeting is Oakham Town Council now has a strategic plan, in writing
something I asked for when former Alf Dewis was Mayor his response was to ridicule me.
Then we had a rather botched effort from former Mayor Michael Haley who persuaded the council
that every item brought to council must fit within a list of strategic aims. It has been amusing seeing
what aims have been chosen over the last couple of years many have not fitted the agenda item.
I hope the town council will take note and act on its new strategic plan. Although I am not sure
it is something they should have done so near to an election.