Monday, May 17, 2010

Tesco Consultation Farce

On Saturday Oakham Town Council were meant to hold a Tesco Consultation in the Council Chamber. It was agreed Councillors would work in pairs covering the hours 10 am – 2pm I was happy to spend the whole time in the chamber. Councillor changed there mind and held the event in the entrance to Victoria Hall obstructing the entrance to the Art Gallery. The Council showed no consideration to the Artist who had rent the gallery. MP Alan Duncan battled through the crowd. To visit Barbara’s show. He said the Tesco presentation put on by Oakham Town Council was pathetic. I reminded him it was the good work of Cllr Joyce Lucas she organises everything. I have a feeling he thought it was Tesco who had put on a poor show. If he meant the Town Council I would agree. The purpose of the Consultation was to listen to the public it soon became very clear to me most Councillor present were expressing an anti Tesco view. I gained nothing constructive from the consultation. I am hoping the council will not forget to share the comment slips with me.

Now the Consultation is over I will state my view expansion can not be stopped.

Tesco should ensure the correct drainage is fitted to the car park to ensure people homes are not flooded. It is common for gardens to be flooded since the building of the store.

I also disapprove of the removal of any tree from the land or the demolition of the bungalow.

Back to the Artist Barbara Taylor-Harris mixed media artist.

I apologised for the obstruction and assisted by handing out leaflets in the street.

I approached Councillor Alf Dewis he is the bully who now shows no consideration to others trying to earn a living.

I explained to Councillor Alf Dewis he was obstructing the gallery and he replied rather rudely let them tell me themselves. What a stupid man!

www.rutlandgallery.co.uk www.lyddingtongallery.co.uk

Barbara@theoldparsonage.net 01572 822210