Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Leicester Police Corrupted by Oakham Town Council

I wonder why Oakham police support Oakham Town Council and its past members.

They feel it is acceptable to give Ex Cllr Jim Harrison information regarding their work so he can publish it on his blog.

He publishes the police gave a me caution for posting porn on the notice board, another false claim it was not porn. It was two small images the police said were offensive, images of a human backside one had piles and the other had a carrot stuck inside. Both sent to me by a local person along with other offensive hate mail to me. As the police took no action and the Town Clerk was crying like a baby I was bullying him on my blog, I chose the least offensive images to show the public the extent these people will go to. I felt confident these images were not illegal because the police had examined them twice in the past and told me they were not offensive.

The notice was not seen by many people, most people don't read notices a few more adults did read my notice once Cllr Lucas shouted to people passing to come and view, If I had posted porn as Mr Harrison said why would Cllr Lucas want so many people to see it?

When a person is cautioned details are not released by the police, you can see this clearly in the local press, names are not published because the police can not give that information. I don't mind saying I accepted a caution it was the easy option because no one wanted this to go to court, because I was willing to take this to trial. Because I still believe I did not knowingly commit any crime. Why was Mr Harrison given details of my caution by the police? maybe they can answer me, they tell me they read my blog.

The police have not taken any action when Mr Harrison published false allegations suggesting I am a risk to young people. His blog is real harassment and endangers me personally. It is very unsettling and I fear walking around Oakham being called what Mr Harrison is suggesting in his blog. I notice Mr Harrison takes photographs of children, I would not suggest he is a risk but he know the dangers if someone published this suggestion. His publications clearly suggest I  am, this is clearly harassment and bullying. He approves and publishes comments on his blog like  "I would not let my children near him" this man is scum, yes Mr Harrison I call you this, I can not believe a former respected army man, councillor and Mayor can behave in this way. You know the danger you are placing me in.
Also the recent comments made to the public by Cllr Lucas are similar to Mr Harrison's false claim.

I took my computer to the front desk of Oakham Police Station to show Mr Harrison blog the officer told me it is very clear what Mr Harrison is suggesting I asked to report the crime and was told "I have instructions you should be referred to Sergeant Dickinson, he is not available until next week? why can a police officer be told not to accept a report from me?

Cllr Martin Brookes

Helen Pender can see the double standards and published the following on her blog. Be careful Helen they will come knocking at your door with a harassment order.


The Nettle bouquet goes to Oakham Police and Inspector Johnny Monks - well done guys!

I have just received the following email from Martin Brookes:

"Standards Complaint Charles Haworth

Mr Haworth abused his position as a councillor he used his position to influence the police and along with ex Cllr Beech asked the police to issue a stage one harassment order against me.

I feel this is due to the amendment of the which now show Cllr Haworth obstructed me at a previous meeting.
Cllr Howarth is able to influence the police because of his connection with JAG

I of course exercised my right to refuse acceptance of the notices."

If true this is outrageous. Can anyone recommend a decent out of area human rights lawyer prepared to work pro bono - this tyranny is so out of hand that it beats the comedy evening at the Merry Monk last night.

Considering Jim Harrison's posts about Martin Brookes this smacks of double standards of such an order that it beggars belief anyone at all can justify it.