Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oakham Town Council now supports Tesco Expansion

Oakham Town Council now supports Tesco Expansion

Tonight Oakham Town Council gave its support to Tesco's Planning application.

 There was only two members of the publid present myself and Mr Beech.

Mr Beech expressed concerns and accused the Town Council Members of duplicity, for turning down the Tesco application and then approving the Sainsbury application, a proposed development on the outskirts of town.

I then found myself standing and agreeing with Mr Beech and being critical once again about the way the Town Council handled both applications. A very anti Tesco stance was shown and very publicly and the Sainsbury application was rubber stamped with little public consultation.

The Council moved onto the Tesco Revised Planning application. Previously the application was rejected.

It was explained all previous letter and concerns still stood and the public did not need to rewrite them. Members of the public had been told this at a meeting at RCC. So this may explain the lack of public at the meeting.

Cllr Mark Woodcock said he was in favour of the application and the content of the revised application had not made him change his mind.

Cllr Maureen Dodds expressed concerns for all the local residents, but expressed no concern or feelings for local retailers.

Cllr Alf Dewis was still concerned about what impact the expansion would have on the town centre, traffic and flooding and he could not see how this revised application changed anything.

Cllr Alan Walter (not wearing his red tie!) Reminded all the land was logged and Tesco was built in the middle of a conservation area, there was nothing in the revised application to change his mind and stated the expansion would destroy a residential street.

Cllr Swiffen I think? he said he agreed with other Councillors and was against the expansion.

The revised plan mainly concentrated with the Penn Street access, allthough I noticed a change linking the Sidings, it appeared to show gates where there is currently a wooden fence blocking access.

It is also proposed the car park lighting will be reduced from a height of 8 metres to 6 metres and lights would be dimmable and shields fitted on those closest to residential properties.

The Southern boundary has now been recognised as a bat corridor, so it is proposed more trees will be retained and additional planting.

a new demountable acoustic fence will be fitted.

A revised flood risk report is still awaiting a response from the Environment Agency.

Cllr George Swiffen left the room.

The debate continued many Councillors said the revised planning application had not made any significant changes.

Cllr George Swiffen returned.

At this point Cllr Alan Walters Proposed refusal. no member would second his proposal.

Cllr Alf Dewis Stood to propose acceptance and this was seconded by Cllr Joyce Lucas.

The members voted 4 for 3 against and 1 abstention.

So this meant Oakham Town Council now accepted Tesco's application to expand its store.
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