Friday, June 10, 2011

Oakham Action, Jeakins Weir, Rutland County Council, Mrs O’Rourke, The Planning Inspectorate

Hello all

Notification has been received from The Planning Inspectorate that the adjourned inquiry into the 
Appeal by Jeakins Weir Ltd – Site at Land West of Uppingham Road, Oakham  

- Reference APP/A2470/A/10/2143475/NWF 

will resume at 11.00am on Monday 11th July 2011 for 1 day. 
The Venue will be The Council Chamber, Rutland CC Offices, Catmose,  Oakham.

The progress of the case can be viewed on the internet on search page: 

under the above reference.

The Core Strategy Inspector’s report is also available on the Rutland County Council site –  

This report recommends that the development to the north of Oakham will cover the five year housing requirement without the need to identify further strategic housing sites.

Mrs O’Rourke will be able to take this into account in reaching her decision after the hearing on 11th July.    

I hope you will be able to attend on that day.

