Thursday, June 09, 2011

Select Members of Oakham Town Council are not members of Leicestershire Constabulary's JAG

Last year there was a dispute at Oakham Town Council regarding appointment of members to Leicestershire Constabulary's multi agency JAG meeting.

Two Councillors said they would remain as representatives Cllr Dewis and Cllr Haworth, Cllr Dewis said the positions were by invitation only  from Rutland Inspector J Monks. This was not the case.

I can not understand why the two member have mislead the public for over a year, in a rather egotistic fashion both Councillors have proudly advertised on the Town Councils web site their association with Leicestershire Constabulary and membership of the multi agency JAG. This has has now been removed from the site after the council received the following correspondence:

Leicestershire Constabulary
Rutland Policing Unit  (that's station to you and me)
15/17 Station Road
LE15 6QT

Mr Richard White
Clerk- Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall
39 High Street
LE15 6AH

Friday 27th May 2011

Dear Mr White

With the recent elections for councillors I feel it is timely to remind
yourself and new councillors the process for bringing items to the
multi agency JAG meeting.

If a member of the council feels that there is an issue that requires dealing
with by police and other agencies, an approach should be made in the first
instance to one of the Oakham Town and Barleythorpe Beat Team.

That Beat Team member will then take responsibility for the issue and liaise
with the colleages to try and find a successful resolution. If that is unsuccessful
the member of the Beat Team will bring the issue to the JAG for it to be
discussed with our partner agencies. The outcome / actions will be fed back
to the councillor that will hopefully lead to a successful resolution.

If after that stage the member of the council still has concerns or feels that
more work is needed then they can attend an open session of the JAG to
discuss the matter.

It is hoped however that in most instances we would be able to resolve the
issues without the need to attend the JAG.

I hope that this clarifies the JAG procedure for you and your councillors'.
Should you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Inspector Johnny Monks
Commander - Rutland Local Policing Unit

I wonder if the Council will get the message this time around? Oakham Police don't want Representatives from Oakham Town Council appointed to JAG