Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Work Programme, Intraining, Leicester

Today I attended my second interview of the New Work Programme.

Some guidance was given on how I can enhance my CV.

I was surprised to learn this scheme is not as well funded as the previous new deal.

The Government says the work programme will knock down the barriers for the long term and help us find

New Deal paid for interview travel expenses and travel to a compulsory work placement. (Although Working Links never found me a placement)

The work programme has no funds to pay for interview expenses.

A work placement is not a compulsory part of the New Work Programme and they have no funds to get people to the work placement. So if I was found work experience in Leicester I would be expected to pay £260 train fare?

Intraining is currently internally advertising for part-time staff to travel to Rutland or Melton to save the scheme travel costs.

I imagine the government is handing over a large sum of cash to the Aussie company who won the national contract and once they and the large London based accounts have taken their slice of the cash it does not leave much for the contractor and the sub contractor in my case Intraining who seem to be doing their best with the tiny amount of cash they are given for each referral. I understand this is less then they were given under New Deal. they receive no further payment until a customer has found a job and been in work for 6 months.

Mr Cameron talks tough and everyone appeared to think the New Work Programme would be tough and help us find work. I would not like to place a bet, but I am sure some of these providers will go bust.

My next appointment is early September I suspect this has something to do with the travel costs.

I am disappointed with the New Work Programme. How could the government produce a scheme that provides less than New Deal and expect it to produce results.

Then there are all the providers like Working Links that used money to refurbish offices last year with tax payers money only to close them this year. I was wondering are all there staff now signing on?