Friday, November 11, 2011

Oakham Town Council, Sue Tyers, Paul Beech, Standards Complaints

This morning I received notification from Peterborough City Council legal services, two more standards complaints have been raised by ex Oakham Mayor and School Governor Sue Tyers and ex Mayor Paul Beech, both claiming I don't show them respect!  Mrs Tyers  is pictured below behaving in her normal respectful drunken fashion.

I feel the constant stream of complaints from these ex Councillors is now a very serious form of harassment.

Rutland County Council standards sub committee has referred their complaints to Standards for England.

I do hope Standards of England refers these comlaints to the courts tribunal and I will then seek maximum publicity using the services offered  media agencies for people appearing at tribunals.

Mr Harrison also a ex Mayor filmed this shocking behaviour and threatened me with breach of copyright action.
I said at the the time Mr Harrison go ahead if you want to drag Mrs Tyers arse through the courts then go ahead. It now looks like Mrs Tyers bare behind will get another public viewing.

The expense of these complaints from a few ex councillors and supported by Rutland County Council must be running into the tens of thousands of pounds.

How the Rutland Conservatives Celebrated the Royal Wedding with drunkenness and acts of gross indeceny from the ladies, Jays Close Oakham

 Rutland County Council Election Candidate Jim Harrison formerOakham Mayor and Town Councillor enjoys filming the
drunken woman ex Oakham Town Councillor Sue Tyers exposing all in Jay Close, 
Oakham Rutland