Saturday, January 07, 2012

RESIGNATION OF Oakham Town Councillor Chris Hopkin


Chris Hopkin has resigned as a Town Councillor for the Oakham North East Ward. 

Chris was one of the few decent Town Councillors.

I wonder why every time the council attracts a decent person? they either go mad like Cllr Lowe or they join the bullies like Cllr Nowel strangely he went from saying the council is corrupt to worshipping those who control it. 

If they don't do either they are excluded.

Sometime ago Chris told me he felt excluded. He attempted to become part of the rotten group when he agreed to sign a standards complaint raised against me, by Cllr Dewis.

In the end this letter was not signed. I don't hold this against Chris as I knew how much pressure he was put under by Cllr Dewis to sign.

Cllr Lucas, Haworth and Dewis have a lot to answer their behaviour is disgraceful.

Cllr Dewis was seen on BBC East Midlands Tonight News, last year attempting to show his support for local traders along with the leader of Rutland County Council Conservative Roger Begy.

I noticed today they both have something in common, driving to Stamford to shop at Lidl.

Oakham Town Council currently has 3 vacancies