Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rutland Winter Video by Grumpyjag (JH ) 10th Februrary 2012 Birds

Rutland Winter Video by Grumpyjag (JH ) Februrary 2012

Uploaded by on 13 Feb 2012
Couple of minutes of the hard few winter days in Rutland and feeling sorry for the birds

I spotted this video after watching a interest documentary on TV about birds and the changes in relationships people have had with the garden birds over the years and the big changes during war time. 

Clubs were set up Like the Sparrow Club because it was considered a threat to the wartime food supply, sparrows had a price on their heads.

I was surprised to see how vicious the Robin actually is.

Various methods and changes were shown about how we feed our garden birds.

When I was a child we used to as shown just hang out the red netted bags of peanuts. These nuts were described as unfit for humans and later found to be killing the birds. No wonder my mother used to tell me not to eat them as a boy.