Saturday, March 24, 2012

Britain's Got Talent, Olympic Diet Coke & Cadbury Dairy Milk Come On Team GB

This evening sees the return of Britain's Got Talent. I hope their will be plenty of funny talentless auditions
to enjoy.

Whilst selecting my snacks and refreshments. I thought British and was reminded to be part of the British Olympics, I am sure the Prime Minister said we should all celebrate and enjoy the Olympics, even if we don't live in London we should all join in the Tory Patronising oops must get that spell check sorted Patriotism.
I don't know why but I often think we have a Conservative Government and not a Coalition?

So I chose, The Olympic Diet Coke for the healthy option? American, I know not very patriotic, but have you ever tried the cheap British alternatives?

Then I selected Cadbury Diary Milk, I know, no longer British, but it is Fairtrade and they have not messed with the ingredients like the Tins of Roses at Christmas the addition of Soya which in my opinion makes the chocolate taste yuk.