Friday, March 23, 2012

Google wants to listen to your phone calls to promote ads

Google wants to listen to your phone calls to promote ads

Google is attempting to file a patent that would thrust smartphone users into Orwell’s “1984.” TheNextWeb reported on Wednesday that the search giant is looking to patent a technology that can analyze the background noise during mobile phone calls and then serve up advertisements based on the environmental conditions Google hears. In short, the company’s famous “don’t be evil” motto may soon evolve into “we are going to listen to your phone calls to make money.” One example of Google’s proposed technology would recognize the background noise made by rain when a user makes a phone call in inclement weather, and then serve an advertisement for umbrellas. In addition, the system might also analyze background noise while users take photos and videos to serve up similar targeted ads. Of course there is no reason to sound the alarms just yet, as technologies described in patents often don’t see the light of day.

Sitting four rows of seats over hearing along with the rest of the train carriage a young woman discussing her Facebook friends. Who her partner will like or not. Losing her voice for a day. Now that should give Google some perfect advertising opportunities?