Monday, March 26, 2012

Mark Woodcock Rutland Liberal and Independent Democrat

Mark Woodcock (Independent at Election) according to Rutland County Councils website he is now a Rutland Liberal and Independent Democrat  joining with councillor Mark Oxley (Rutland Liberal and Independent Democrat) and Gale Waller (Rutland Liberal and Independent Democrat). Independent Alan Walters appears to remain that keeping the Independent title, but he has joined an alliance working together to battle the Tory majority.

Councillor Mark Oxley (Rutland Liberal and Independent Democrat) on his web site says:

Rutland is a Unitary authority, the smallest in England and that brings with it many different challenges. Not least of which is how to pay for the services that the people of Rutland expect, as we  have one of the highest Council Taxes in England.

Rutland County Council has a Cabinet and Scrutiny system and the majority Conservatives having politicised the Council now control almost all the key posts on the Council. The Lib Dems have one, Gale Waller who is Chair of the People (Children) Scrutiny panel.

Gale Waller, myself and 2 Independents Alan Walters and Mark Woodcock have formed an alliance. 

We are known as the Liberal and Independent Democrat Group on Rutland County Council. Being a political group has many advantages including monthly meetings with the Chief Executive and Leader of the Conservative group.