Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New co-option Panel Oakham Town Council

Oakham Town Council decided to appoint a co-option panel.

This panel will meet and integrate members of the public who want to serve the towns folk.

They will then recommend candidates for co-option, if I was one of the remaining Councillors
I would not be happy to co-opt on the say of three other Councillors.

As I said at Public deputation whilst being constantly rudely being interrupted by Councillor Lucas
Co-option is not democratic and this new process makes it even less.

Cllr Lucas, Cllr Haworth and Cllr Nowell all put their names forward no surprise there.

Cllr Haworth made a valiant attempt to appoint Cllr Dewis in his absence, I can't imagine why?
I am sure next time the two next meet Dewis will let him lick the other boot.

Cllr Woodcock was put in reserve Cllr Lucas felt a reserve was needed just in case anyone went shopping
or something like that.

Cllr Woodcock suggested the panel should meet at a weekend as more people might be available. Don't be silly Councillor Woodcock although I agree a week day afternoon is not appropriate the three plus Alf Dewis have already decided who they are going to co-opt.

Its about the only thing one of the ex Councillors agrees with me about Co-option is wrong. It suits the Town Council who do nothing to promote an election. Promotion done correctly does work you only have to look to Uppingham to see the success they had last year attracting so many candidates it resulted in an election that had not happened for years. I think this is the fear of a few they may democratically lose their power.

I think if anyone wants to serve on this council and risk being bullied and harassed by at least one of  Councillors then they should be accepted just for being willing.