Friday, March 30, 2012

Oakham Town Cllr John Nowell tells Rutland Radio £50K Play area is exclusive to young mums & children.

Oakham Town Cllr John Nowell tells Rutland Radio, £50K Play area is exclusive to young mums & children.

I think is another case of a Cllr so out of touch with reality! In is interview with Rutland Radio this morning
the Chairman of Oakham Town Councils Parks and Planning Committee, explained why the Council needs to borrow £50k to create a new play area for young mums and children. These you are more likely to see Dads and Children using the towns play areas.

Another example of old fashioned Town Council attitudes was shown when Cllr Locket, said Children's views should not be considered when consulting the public about the play area. He said "children were often frivolous".

This week  Cllr Nowell also harped on about a democracy and the democratic process, he would not know what democracy was, even if it hit him in hos face. He was co-opted like so many of Oakham Town Councillors. All the other are elected unopposed. Democracy has clearly failed here in Oakham.

Co-option is not democracy.