Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tesco Ice Cream £1.02 any 2 for £3.50 Peterborough City Council Trading Standards

Tesco Ice Cream £1.02 any 2 for £3.50

Its amazing how many items can be found priced incorrectly at Tesco Oakham.

I some times wonder if this is a marketing ploy? people select an item to buy  thinking they are buying a bargain, like the one above £1.02 for this delicious range of Ice Cream, yes the label clearly looks wrong when it comes to the multi buy offer.

Its not a trading offence to offer products for sale at a lower price than is intended, it is an offence to charge the customers a higher than advertised price.

If you spot a mistake like this before you purchase the item the retailer can withdraw the item from sale. I have become fed up buying items at my local store and finding I need to make frequent visits to the customer
services desk, if I now think a item is incorrectly priced, I ask a supervisor to check. In this case she was confident the ice cream would cost me £1.02 I purchased the item it cost me £2.49 . I wonder how many customers don't check their receipts?

What I find most annoying is Rutland County Council, like most of its services contracts Trading Standards out to Peterborough City Council.

Who only appear to write to retailers once a year asking them to complete a form, declaring they comply with laws.

Trading Standards should be local.

I often wonder if there is any service Rutland County Council carries out itself.

Planning the weakest performing department at the Council for some time. I can't imagine why they hang onto that? I understand this is one of the departments that mostly concerns the newly form Anti Corruption Group at Rutland County Council.