Monday, March 26, 2012

Warning to Party Donors: Politicians Despite and Loathe You Jerry Hayes

Jerry Hayes examines the latest case of political and financial hubris from a political party,
and has a warning for party donors.
25 Mar 2012, 12:05
Oh the agony, oh the ecstasy, oh the delicious irony that it was News International’s
Sunday Times that has put the boot into the Tory Party for access for sleaze,
must have put a smile on Rupert Murchdoch’s face and cheered poor old
Rebekah Brooks as she contemplates standing in the dock at Southwark Crown Court.
But before all the other parties pile onto the bandwagon denouncing the wicked Tories 
and their rich friends with Miliband working himself and his dead eyed team into a froth 
chanting their new Mantra “Same Old Tories”, be afraid, be very afraid. For if the Sunday 
Times runs to form this will be a three part story. There is bound to be some dodgy union 
baron boasting the stranglehold he has on Labour or some greasy former jailbird caught 
in some Thai brothel with an under aged girl on each knee and a nose full of coke, 
reminiscing how he once gave the Lib Dems fifty grand in order to have a swift Scotch 
with Charlie Kennedy. 
Mind you, he’s probably leading a class action for liver damage.  Read More
Jerry Hayes
Jerry Hayes is a former Conservative MP and leading barrister
defending and prosecuting high profile cases

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