Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gillian Mamouney, Moora, Western Australia Oakham is Not Disabled Friendly Visitor writes to Town Council & Rutland Times

Gillian Mamouney,  Moora, Western Australia Oakham is Not Disabled Friendly Visitor writes to Town Council & Rutland Times

A visitor has written to the local paper and Oakham Town Council raising concerns about disabled access in the town. this is nothing new and as you can see from the above sign it is not set to improve. the town council decided spending nearly £1000 on bollards and signs was a better option than repairing the footpath in Cutts Close Oakham.

Nothing will change until we get a council that is not made up of selfish councillors. When the council decided to waste further money on the ugly name signs in the park, Councillor Adam Lowe had a moment of consideration for the disabled and asked if Braille could be added to the welcome signs. Cllr Joyce Lucas who was then Mayor responded, with why would blind people want to read the signs?

there was no mention of the letter at this weeks council meeting, I imagine it was filed with the contempt the town council affords any letter writer.

As a resident of this town, I find it an considerable embarrassment that a visitor feels they need to write a letter.

And as for the bollards and signs in Cutts Close, they are disgusting and a disgraceful waste of money.