Sunday, July 08, 2012

Rutland County Council Failure to be resilient should the Council face a number of key threats

Failure to be resilient should the Council face a number of key threats reading this and the long list other failings at Rutland County Council, I am wondering is there anything they do correctly.

This risk is owned by the Chief Executive Helen Briggs and was managed by Aman Mehra who it is alleged was suspended by Helen Briggs and then it is alleged she notified everyone from the cleaners up by email. It is then alledged he was found to have committed suicide two hours later. Very tragic. I personally see all the council failings are due to one person and one group Helen Briggs and The Conservatives and it appear no one can suspend either of those.

It is shocking to see they council is not prepared for basic failings within, one can only imagine what would happen if there was some type of disaster out in the county.

Risk Ref AMBER 10

Impact Critical

Likelihood Medium

Risk Owner  Helen Briggs

Risk Manager  Aman Mehra

Risk Name: Significant business interruption

Risk Description: Failure to be resilient should the Council face a number of key threats e.g. loss of key staff (skills/knowledge), loss of
ICT, loss of data, loss of fuel, loss of utilities, loss of vehicles

Risk Controls:
• Review of business continuity management arrangements
• New Policy Document, Business Impact Analysis and response plans being compiled
• Testing of business continuity plans