Monday, August 13, 2012

Green Flag Award Oakham Town Council Flag Flying Photograph

Over a year ago Oakham Town Council decided to
spend thousands on a flag pole for Cutts Close
to fly the the green flag they won in 2011
unfortunately due to all the red tape the 2011
flag remained in the drawer.

The town council paid again  this year 
for entry, hoping to win a flag again
this year, fortunately the council won again.
Along with hundreds of extra councils this year.

Something suggests to me as long as you pay you win,
a little like the loo of the year award. The council was unhappy
with its grading and the company upgraded their rating...

Personally I don't think this flag pole so close to the
bandstand has done anything to enhance the park.
Although I do feel it blends in nicely with the new ugly signs that replaced
the dog waste bins...

Cover photo