Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Oakham Town Council Spent £19,612.91 of Your Money in July 2012

How Oakham Town Council Spent £19,612.91 of Your Money in July 2012

All amounts include VAT accept where marked no VAT

Toilet Cleaning AA Cleaning Services £1,336.80

The next payment of £156.00 was described as good value by Cllr Joyce Lucas
it was paid to AA Cleaning Services to attend and clean the toilets on top of the normal
payment on the day of the Jubilee Party. I am guessing there are a lot of cleaners out there
that would like this comfortable part time cleaning job at over £20 an hour with additional
payments throughout the year.

The Council does not even pay its assistant Clerk half this amount and she receives no extra
recognition when the she works the Clerks hours when he take one of his many periods
of absence.

The Toilet Cleaner at Victoria Hall comes from Stamford and is paid more than the assistant
Clerk £10 an hour we are told.

What I want to know is why when this contract was renewed the man was permitted to
withdraw his tender and resubmit when he found out he realised  he had not asked for what he
thought was enough money, now that the council has found it does not have to re-tender
and can accept a bid solely from the current contractor I don't imagine he will ever have to
be put through that agony again...

Jubilee Party Insurance  WPS Brokers £159.00

Jubilee Party Paint Mr L C Hadjipetrou £150

Jubilee Party Advert Rutland Radio £48.00

Painting Benches G and R Gregg £927.11 no VAT

Toilet Maintenance G and R Gregg £76.00 no VAT

Grounds Maintenance Cory Environmental £2,121.95

Setford Solicitors £264.00

Watering Hanging Baskets Greetham Garden Centre £1485.00

Water toilets Severn Trent Water £461.92

DG Music Summer concert £420.00 No VAT

Rent Trustees of The Victoria Hall £3,060.00

Viking Direct Stationary £67.34

Sanitary Disposal PHS Group Pls £254.58

Electricity Cutts Close Eon £22.95

Bank Charges HSBC £34.47 No VAT

Stationery Colemans £2.40

Laminator Colemans £39.99

Copier Meter Reading Danwood Group £96.06

Monthly computer Back Up Millennium Computer Services £12.00

Floral Displays Greetham Garden Centre £2,897.59

Re attach flag and other G and R Gregg £38.00 No VAT

Postage Purchase Power  £56.64 No VAT

Wississippi Jazzmen £300.00 No VAT

Salary Assistant Clerk £715.59

Salary  Clerk £2,118.49

Tax and NI HMRC £1.030.00

Setford Solicitors Preparation of Lease £600.00

Postage Pitney Bowes Finance £218.84

Stationery Colemans £19.34

Setford Solicitors £168.00

Setford Solicitors £8.00 No VAT

Copier Rental BNP Paribas £201.85