Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last call for Melton Town Estate elections

Last call for Melton Town Estate elections

To call this an election is insult to democracy.

None of the positions are elected by the people of Melton

The Town Estate according to a past BBC Documentary is awful, it is my view
it has many comparisons to Local Governance here in Oakham and Rutland


The Melton Mowbray Town Estate has sidelined women and ignored advice from the Charity Commission.
The charity is supposed to be democratic, yet it will not allow public scrutiny of its meetings and changes the rules and locks when a woman is elected to a senior position.

  They said it was temporary but it was clear they did not want me
Pat Cumbers, Former Mayor of Melton

These words from Pat remind me how local governance has treated me here in Oakham and those organisation are meant to be democratic unlike the Melton Estates.

Of course we must not forget Rutland Conservative are based in Melton is that a coincidence?

I was bullied, verbally abused, forbidden access to information, not allowed to fulfil my duty as a trustee, physically threatened, subjected to kangaroo courts, locked out, excluded and censured. In addition there was an attempt to “suspend” me where the “evidence” included provable untruths. Suspension was ultra vires so I was never actually suspended.


Also here in Oakham we have the Oakham Town Partnership which holds meetings behind closed doors
uses public and money and resources from Oakham Town Council with no resolution being passed by the town council.

We are surrounded by these elite clubs who are accountable the public. Often made up of local councillors

My favourite at the moment is the Rutland Lions, I am told I should put up with the constant insults from its membership like Mr Tyers who calls me something worse than a paedophile and that I smell worse than the shit he steps in on the pavement.

Because people like the Tyers do a little good it give them a licence to behave in any despicable fashion. I don't think so...  of course these days I don't bother reporting to the police the things they send me. There is no point when you look back and see how Inspector Monks and Sgt Collyer and his mob did there best to cover up and take no action against those responsible.

When officers tell you I don't think you have done anything wrong, "but I ask not to be involved" in my mind that makes them as bad as the rest.