Sunday, August 12, 2012

Planners' approval was needed before Oakham Tesco supermarket extended Sunday hours

Planners' approval was needed before Oakham Tesco supermarket extended Sunday hours

Supermarket Tesco has made an Olympic blunder over relaxed Sunday trading opening hours at more than one of its stores including Oakham Rutland.
The company has taken advantage of the temporary suspension of normal Sunday trading restrictions which are in place throughout the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. This allows large stores, which are usually restricted to opening for six hours on a Sunday, to open for longer from July 22 through to September 9.
In most cases planning permission is not needed, but in some circumstances, such as at the Oakham store on South Street, planning conditions limit Sunday trading to between 10am and 4pm. As a result the company submitted a bid to Rutland County Council to change the condition temporarily the planning notice outside the store is dated 30th June, but despite no decision having been made, the Oakham store is now opening for 11 hours on Sundays from 9am to 8pm.
But due to the deadline for public consultation, the earliest the application could be approved is likely to be some time is September.