Monday, August 27, 2012

Tory Leader Roger Begy phones Former Senior Rutland Times Reporter Megan Horner thanks her for all her hard work?

I wonder if we will see any Journalistic  improvements at the Rutland Times now that the Johnson Press seems to be removing supporters of the local Tory Mob.

Reading the former senior reporter Megan's last tweets, I noticed she received a telephone call from 
Tory Leader Roger Begy to thank her for her hard work. I did not know he was a boss at the Rutland Times?

What will the Tory mob at Rutland County Council do now?   Just like Oakham Town Council it now appears to be losing control of the local press. Will Roger Begy  or Terry King, Gene Plews or Helen Briggs stand up and announce the lack of control at the next council meeting in the same way Cllr Charles Haworth complained at a recent Oakham Town Council meeting "The Rutland Times won't do as we tell them any more!"

Hopefully this will also see the end of Cllr Joyce Lucas's column. Cllr Adam Lowe expressed his concern yesterday by saying "I don't know why they give her the space, its not as if she is the Mayor any more" 

Just had a phone call from RCC leader Roger Begy to thank me for my hard work-small things like that matter :)
And as its final act......JP has withheld my pay slip! I'm expecting personal messages from the top bods to accompany my P45 ;)