Monday, August 13, 2012

Willow Stores Parking Bollards and Rutland County Council New Parking Restrictions

Willow Stores Parking Bollards and Rutland County Council New Parking Restrictions

Parking issues are expected to get worse in Willow Crescent Oakham.

Last week Willow Stores erected bollards to stop people parking on their pavement.
Motorists have been causing a lot of damage to their paving slabs.

Although it appears from the photograph below motorists will just knock down bollards
if they want to park.

Rutland County Council has just realised there are no stopping restrictions outside the
school opposite. when the yellow paint is applied it will force parents to park further 
down an already crowded road.

I am not sure what the bus company will make of it all, maybe their drivers will take to
driving through peoples gardens? as  I am sure the pavements they often use will surely become
very congested.