Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dear Person responsible for the blog Oakham Laughing Stocks

Dear Person responsible for the blog,

http://oakhamslaughingstocks.blogspot.co.uk/  of course it's not a real blog just a site for you to make homophobic and perverted comments about me and others

Rutland Police appear to tip you off when it suits them and then some times you remove offending material

Like the recent links to Oakham School.

As Leicestershire and Rutland Police don't want to reveal your ID then I am afraid I will have to work on
that myself.

This started by taking over your email account advertised on your twitter account.


The hotmail account oakhamlaughingstocks@hotmail.co.uk has been taken over the password and security
question changed.

We are working on accessing your other account rubbadukky@hotmail.com the problem is we can not work out the missing letters from the secondary account linked to it si******@hotmail.com, we will get

We know your mother was born in Oakham and your D.O.B is recorded as 01 Apriil 1937 or are you just being a silly old fool?

If you are unhappy with the loss of your account please send me your address and I will be happy to provide  you with the  new password.  A copy of this blog has been sent to you via your lost e-mail.

PS can you explain what this email sent to one of your other accounts means?

From:Oakham Laughing-Stocks (oakhamlaughingstocks@hotmail.co.uk)
Sent:16 August 2012 15:22:43
To: rubbadukky@hotmail.co.uk
this is the one without the S    

Oh I forgot your IP address is included in the header of the e-mail

 Results of IP Tracking for
IP address78.144.215.186
ISPOpal Telecom DSL   (Talk Talk)
CountryUnited Kingdom United Kingdom