Sunday, October 28, 2012

Democracy is Dead, Anti Corruption Rutland, Features in Stamford Art Installation

Democracy is Dead, Anti Corruption Rutland, Features in Stamford Art Installation

Looking at the leaves and taking in the comments posted on a tree at a Stamford exhibition I came across this one referring to Rutland amongst many other comments referring to world, national and local issues.

All this on a Council property, I can not imagine this form of expression ever being permitted on a Rutland County Council Property.

Rutland the capital of Censorship and political bullying.

I touched on this on a previous post, but I still find it amusing a former mayor calls for the removal of the entire mob at Oakham Town Council for voting against the Sainsbury Plan, He has harped on about democracy.
He does not understand the meaning of the word.

Democracy here in Rutland means do as we tell you and all will be fine.

I don't agree with the Town Councils vote, but I accept it and I pleased the mob of ex councillors
appear to have lost control of the Town Council even if its only for five minutes.

I called for their  abolition due to the selfish nature of most members and there recent admission they are just income led and as they currently set the budget for next year they claim it is far to late to implement change and become project led instead.

They failed to explain why they don't have time before now and next April.

I think they fear if they produced a budget on what they really need to run the council and the very few services they provide, the reduction in council tax would be so large they would need to explain to voters
why it has been so high for many years. 

The Clerks own report says we do little but what we do we do well, I disagree because if the cost is so high how can that be a good thing.

I read a readers comment on the Rutland Times rather like the former mayor they call for the use of democracy to vote these people out.

Democracy has failed here in Oakham, we have elections that come and go, with no vote, because 
people are not willing to partake in that process and we end up with the same rotten old councillors elected unopposed, then we are treated to those co-opted, we are told they don't know them when they either live nearby or belong to the same RAF association...