Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Music at St Martin's: The Bilitis Trio, St Martin's Church, Stamford, graduates from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama

Music at St Martin's: The Bilitis Trio
St Martin's Church, Stamford
Saturday 27th October at 7.30 pm    

The Bilitis Trio
Jenny Lewisohn, Viola   
MurdoMacrae, Harp    
FlaviaHirte, Flute   

Named after Debussy's Chansons de Bilitis, this trio are talented young graduates from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama

Their programme will include:
  • Sonata for flute and harp by Debussy
  • Syrinx (solo flute) by Debussy
  • Elegiac Trio by Bax
  • Prelude from the Cello Suite in C Major by JS Bach (played on the viola)

Tickets (includes free glass of wine): from Stamford Arts Centre, 01780 763203 or on the door.  £10 (£8 concessions, £3 students, children free)
Meal deals (includes price of concert ticket) from the Bull & Swan available. Booking required.For reservations please call 01780 766412 and specify either £20 or £25 menu.

Stamford Arts Centre

Stamford Arts Centre
27 St Mary's Street

Box Office

Call 01780 763203
Opening Hours Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 8pm