Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Tory Leader Roger Begy Rutland County Council distributes Cllr Richardson Private Emails "This Would not be tolerated in the Military and someone would be carpeted"

Tory Leader Roger Begy Rutland County Council distributes Cllr Richardson Private Emails "This Would not be tolerated in the Military and someone would be carpeted"

Cllr Richardson Wrote to Tory Cllr Pocock regarding the Council Accounts

"This Would not be tolerated in the Military and someone would be carpeted"

No doubt there will now be a move to merely approve the Statement of Accounts,
without proper scrutiny and due process, as per the previous year, Personally I find
it incredible that you would want your name associated with such activity, especially
when we now have compliance lawyers looking at the exact same situation last
year, since they say it does not meet legal requirements.