Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Tory Rutland County Councillor Roger Begy's Motion, Airing Dirty Washing in Public


Roger Begy Tory Leader refereed to nine questions written in what Clr Richardson described as by Cllr Richardson as a private email he had sent to another councillor.

This included many allegations from accounting issues, to staff suicide and a missing kitchen

Responses and personal attacks were given to Cllr Richardson.

He was refused a reply after each attack and gave a very respectful and courteous response at the end of
all nine attacks.

Cllr Gale was refused a request to raise a point.

The public you could say were gob smacked by the conduct, I guess like me they have never seen anything like this before.

At this point I was happy to hold up one of the banners produced by a member of the public.

It read "Democracy is dead Thus spake Begy and King."

Various other banners were used throughout the meeting such as  "Hear Hear!" and "lies Lies" and "David Smith  Wept"

"lies lies" was displayed during public deputations when a resident made it clear Tory Roger Begy had lied to her and others about parking issues, She revealed Roger Begy had spoken to her in the chamber before the meeting in an attempt to put things right. It appeared he did the same when he asked for a minutes adjournment so those members of the public who had only attended to give deputations about parking issues could  leave, he got out of his seat to speak to the lady.

Other matters were dealt with quickly and item 13 was dealt with.

The Three Councillors who were under attack fro Tory Leader Roger Begy and 23 others, stormed out.

The motion with amendments were passed by all remaining Councillors. Interestingly Tory Councillor  and Corby By election candidate Christine Emmett stayed away from tonight shameful meeting.

And a founder member of the Rutland Anti Corruption Group joined the attacking side.

To cut a long story short the councillors agreed to congratulate The Chief Executive Helen  Briggs for all her hard work and gave her the green light to waste public money to investigate and obtain an independent report to highlight what three councillors are costing the council and the damage they are allegedly causing.

I personally cant judge Mrs Briggs work but I do know I have found her to be rude and unhelpful and the union rep and others have called her a bully and a member of staff hung them self.

She once sent out a email to a lot of people containing lies and rants about me.

She also got ticked of by the electoral commissioner for her conduct at the last election. for her role as registrar She tried so hard to save Tory Peter Jones seat and block Richardson.

I am pleased to see Rutland has no involvement in the count for the forthcoming police commissioners election. I wonder if that is why the  outgoing Police Authority Chairman Barry Roper did not stand.

Local governance is going to miss the close relationship they enjoyed by having a Tory County Councillor
serving as the police authority chairman, Tory Councillor Gene Plews I am very sure will be the first to miss the cosy set up they enjoyed. He mentioned it once before I can't remember if it was in an email or his daft police statement.

Of course there is a risk the Tory ex RAF man could get the job and he is a Rutland man. Lets hope enough voters throughout the much bigger Leicestershire don't vote for him.