Monday, November 05, 2012

Derbyshire Constabulary, England and Wales Police and Crime Commissioner elections, 2012

Derbyshire Constabulary

Alan Charles, Police Authority Deputy, is the Labour candidate "No G4S Style Privatisation Here!"

David Gale, a businessman, is the UKIP candidate. “More Bobbies on the Beat!”

Rod Hutton, a former Police Officer, is standing as an independent. "I resigned as a Special Police Sgt – with the Metropolitan Police Service in the summer of 2012 after 19yrs service.
My offer to you is a mixture of Policing & business/commercial skillset which make me a qualified & experienced candidate for this role."

Cllr Simon Spencer, Deputy Leader of Derbyshire County Council, is the Conservative candidate. "If I am elected, I will be your representative and I will want to hear your views about how you see policing being delivered in Derbyshire in the future."