Sunday, December 30, 2012

I’m being smeared, says Rugby Borough Council Tory leader Craig Humphrey following articles in Private Eye

I’m being smeared, says Rugby Borough Council Tory leader Craig Humphrey following articles in Private Eye

Councillor Humphrey represents Bilton Ward as a Conservative councillor. He is the Leader of the Council, Chairman of Cabinet and Leader of the Conservative Party.

Cllr Humphrey was caught by police with no car insurance, like all good Tories he explained it was all a big mistake and again when he was caught the second time.  Poor man not only is he Tory he is also an estate agent.
I am told another Rotten Borough leader, has a keen  interest in  property. Their son once 
worked as a solicitor and was struck off, due to some dodgy deals in Ireland apparently? He now works for a firm in the UK as a lowly conveyancer. I won't give his name as the firm he works for give him a glowing on-line profile.
Private Eye also reported Cllr Humphrey falsely claimed to be on holiday when the magazine tried unsuccessfully to contact him.
He then told his local paper www.rugbyadvertiser.co.uk/news/local
Cllr Humphrey said: “I refuse to speak to Private Eye.
“What they print is a load of rubbish. The magazine is a comic.”