Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oakham Town Council spends a fortune to advertise in Rutland County Council Leaflet to Promote its self

Oakham Town Council spends a fortune to advertise in Rutland County Council Leaflet to Promote its self

Oakham Town Council has paid Rutland County Council £780 almost the equivalent to 15 households contribution towards this egotistic council, made up of 8 members of which a very few really serve
our community.

The advert will appear in next years council tax leaflet. Once again Oakham Town Council shows
it understands value for money.

I thought the amount the Rutland Times charged them for little adverts was bad enough.

I have since found you can get a small radio advertising package much cheaper than both of them.

As Rutland County Council has already banked the payment I can only assume this paying for the
serious of terrible adverts it is running on Rutland Radio this month.

For those who have not heard them they are based on rubbish and waste, suggesting we buy some one a compost bin instead of socks and not to buy rubbish presents this year. If you can pass the terrible production of these adverts.  There is a number of serious issues such as food waste Christmas is often a time when people do buy to much and waste is terrible, last year I saw unused loafs of bread poking out of the tops of many bins around town on bin day.

And what's wrong with socks its impossible to buy affordable socks here in Oakham, Last year I was asked by a friend what I wanted. A pack of socks please, I received three packs sold by Marks & Spencer a total price equivalent to a single pair sold in a Oakham store. I hope I don't get any this year as I have just bought
three new packs from a high street store in Melton Mowbray once again nine pairs  cheaper than a single pair from a shop here in Oakham.