Friday, December 28, 2012

Rutland county Council, Chair Of Safeguarding Adolescents in Rutland

"I have agreed to chair a Task and Finish Group looking at Safeguarding Adolescents in Rutland.

Something tells me that will be the most challenging – but also the most important role I have taken so far."

The above is a quote from a Rutland County Councillor and Published on his own website.

I suggest it will be challenging for him, I refer to his attraction to young female school girls.

I was one evening walking to a meeting with this Councillor, we passed a Oakham
School Girl, The Councillor turned (rubbernecked) and groaned with pleasure.

I said please its only a young girl, he responded "its OK for me to look but not touch"

So when the young people of Rutland turn to this councillor and say,  a man and a group of Councillors
are posting on-line "who the Fuck am I" and that is followed by comments posted by those connected to local councils that can only be described as obscene in some cases, will he say don't worry its quite normal
after a Oakham School education to behave in that way. I  did the same when I posted on the Council owned forum "who the Fuck is Martin Brookes?  It was great fun  the others accused him of being a risk to children, we did not really know him then, Ex Mayor and Town Councillor Jim Harrison helped us a lot he provided us with images, photo shopped images, a pig or in a burka, it all turned really bad
when MP Alan Duncan complained we were homophobic, this led to the closure of the forum by RCC and ROL So my dear don't worry, I am looking out for you now, all you young and vulnerable people are very safe here in Rutland, I lead by example.

The Councillor used his real name on the forum, many others used names that had a sexual meaning, most
notably. Ex mayor Jim Harrison who liked to use carpet burns

I say what are Rutland  County Council playing at?