Mrs Briggs Left Photograph on Rutland Day 2010 outside council office.
Mrs Briggs has written to members of the Anti Corruption Group asking them not to
protest outside the Council Office, She claims their peaceful protests are causing
her staff distress and they feel intimidated.
Interestingly when I first learnt of the protest from a on-line publication,
The report included a photograph of Tory Leader Roger Begy outside the castle.
I went to Rutland County Council and asked about the protest and
none of the reception staff were aware there had been any protest.
It would be true to say many staff have felt intimidated in the past and
they most certainly don't accuse the three Rutland County Councillors
who make up the Anti Corruption Party. Many feared for their jobs
during the last round of cuts. Many took her to tribunal and won.
I am awaiting her latest snotty letter telling me off for taking a photograph
of the publicly owned Christmas Tree located in the reception area.
If you read Private Eye this week you can read the result of her intimidation
of staff and how her supporters threaten old ladies over they phone.
There is a blog on-line where she is blamed also for the death of a father
when she worked for another council as a caring person in social services
I am not sure exactly what went on but she was moved to bin duty and
then took up her role in Rutland.
She is quoted in a National Newspaper:
"We are lean and mean," enthuses chief executive Helen Briggs, who lives in the 10th Anniversary of Rutlands Independence
tragic deaths seem to follow Mrs Briggs, three of them this year.