Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cllr Joyce Lucas accuses the BBC of over killing the News reporting of The London Helicopter Crash

Cllr Joyce Lucas accuses the BBC of over killing the News reporting of The London Helicopter Crash.

Cllr John Nowell a fund raiser for the Air Ambulance seemed gob smacked by Cllr Lucas comments
as he entered the Council Chamber this evening. He did ask her for an explanation? She repeated her comments.

"I bet your fed up with people asking you about the helicopter crash?" she then went on to heavily
criticise the BBC news reporting, calling it an "over kill"

Disgraceful is the only way I can describe her conduct.

Two people have died and many were injured. If a similar incident happened here in Oakham the bitter
twisted councillor would be the first to want to get her big nose in front of the BBC, ITV or Sky cameras.
Introducing herself as Oakham's Ex Mayor I am sure!

The pilot killed was:

Mr Barnes was a pilot for Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland air ambulance and he was educated at Oakham.School

Rutland Air Ambulance - dlraa.co.uk

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